Got my Duvets. Thanks so much for your excellent service and an excellent product. Last night was 6 degrees and it was like summer under the winter one. Thank your team for each and every step that made these high quality Duvets. Literally quality of life enhancing.
Stinnie du Plessis
Ek geniet my duvets van jou af elke dag (aand) van my lewe … ek slaap in d somer onder my somer duvet en in die winter onder my winter duvet…. ek reis baie … tot in Switserland slaap ek onder duvets (by minus 15) van Switserland en dan verlang ek na my Makoti duvet !! Die Makoti duvets is die beste beste in die wêreld … die Amerikaners kan maan toe gaan en die Switsers kan kaas maak en die Laplanders kan kersvaders met lang baarde op banke laat sit, maar duvets maak kan hulle by MAKOTI kom leer!!!
Ek is baie tevrede met my aankope by julle. Die somer duvet wat julle vir my gemaak het uit 2 kleiner duvets is prakties, netjies gemaak en heerlik lig. Die strooi kussings is die gemaklikste kussings wat ek nog ooit gebruik het. Dis die regte grote genoeg opgestop om jou gemaklik te laat sit, en nie in die versoeking is om dit op die vloer te sit nie. Julle diens was flink en die aflewering was soos dit bespreek was.
Ons is nog BAIEIEIEEI tevrede met ons duvet en vat hom orals saam.
I wanted to say thank you very much for taking such care with my order - everything is perfect and truly beautiful, and I can't wait to do up my baby's bed with his new duvet and covers! And thank you so much for your kind words too - my little baby boy arrives next month, and I just know he will be a true Blessing from God in our lives. Take care, and I'm sure we'll be in touch again in the future.
I just wanted to say THANKS :-) for a wonderful product. The down booties kept me warm during a 5 week trip to Patagonia.
For the first time in years I slept well and in the morning I was able to get up and walk with a straight, pain free back. I will promote your wonderful products to all my friends in the future.
I bought the best pillow of my life from your exhibition at a show in Cape Town… must be at least FIFTEEN years ago! It just can’t last any longer, sadly, and I need to replace it urgently! I have test-driven umpteen other makes, but none come close to this one.
n Baie groot dankie vir die voorreg om sulke pragtige kwaliteit kussings te mag besit. Dit is baie spesiaal en ons stel dit hoog op prys.
Just wanted to say a special thank you to you for my lovely new linen. It arrived yesterday and I am feeling thoroughly spoilt by the luxury of it all. I love the choice of lace for the pillow cases too – it is beautiful!